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北美真道浸信會神學院 Truth Theological Seminary

「 北美真道浸信會神學院」的前身「北美真道神學院」在 1997 年創立。 神學院的創立是由幾位牧師們從神而來的異象!他們看到當時在南加州洛杉磯需要一所維護聖經無誤基要教義,廣傳福音的華人神學院,用華語裝備和訓練神所呼召的基督徒!神學院的宗旨是「育英才作基督精兵,群策力傳天國福音」!在 2012年,為要訓練更多植堂的基督工人,北美真道便正式與美加華人浸聯會大家庭成為合作伙伴,此後便正名為「北美真道浸信會神學院」。

神學院已於 2017 年慶祝了 20 週年紀念,讚美神!


歡迎參閱神學院網站 :
或致電話:1-626-574-0770 查詢

Truth Theological Seminary (TTS) was established in 1997.  The seminary was founded when a group of likeminded pastors saw a need to establish a Chinese theological seminary in Southern California that stands for the inerrancy of the Bible, to widely spread the gospel, to train and equip disciples that are called by God to the vocational ministry using Mandarin as the medium of instruction.  The aim of the seminary is “Equipping Workers for Christ and Proclaiming the Lord’s Gospel”!  In 2012, in order to train more Christian workers for church planting, TTS officially became a partner with Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the US and Canada (CBF) but retained its original English name.

TTS celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017.  Praise God!

The seminary is now actively engaging in theological accreditation.  In terms of education programs, in addition to having Doctor of Ministry, it also offers Master of Arts in Church Ministry Studies, Advanced Diploma in Church Ministry, Certificate in Church Ministry programs and a series of systematic training seminars/workshops under “Truth Institute” to equip ministers and believers for ministry, to proclaim the Gospel for the glory of God.  TTS has excellent team of Faculty and is equipped with Live e-Learning to support various programs when necessary.

Visit Truth Theological Seminary’s Website for details:
or call 1-626-574-0770 for more information.

Updated on December 7, 2024
Chinese Baptists