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西南浸信會神學院 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

西南浸信會神學院是世界上最大的神學院之一,擁有深厚的神學底蘊,並以此來裝備主的僕人去成就神在他們生命中的呼召。西南神學院的校訓是“傳揚真道,直到地極”(Preach the Word, Reach the World),旨在紮根於聖經,拓展神國,成就主的大使命。


One of the largest seminaries in the world, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary equips men and women with a strong theological foundation to fulfill God’s calling on their lives. Rooted in Scripture and branching out to fulfill the Great Commission, Southwestern’s motto is “Preach the Word, Reach the World.”

Our Chinese Master of Theological Studies (MTS) courses are recorded lectures by highly regarded theologians in class, translated, and pressed with Chinese subtitles (Traditional and Simplified). An audio file of the translated lecture recorded verbatim is also available for students who wishes to participate in class aurally. Students are able to study at their own pace due to the online nature of the courses. All of the courses have a designated Bilingual Teacher’s Assistant to help with their studies as well as facilitating classroom discussion. The entire degree plan is conducted online, students may complete the degree without having to leave their field of ministry.

Promotion Video 影片介绍 MTP_Graduation_Promo_HQ.mp4

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Updated on December 7, 2024
Chinese Baptists