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美中西浸信會神學院 Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

美中西浸信會神學院屬於美國最大的基督教新教團體美南浸信會 (Southern Baptist Convention) 的六所神學院之一,成立於1957年。是北美第六大神學院。擁有美國高等學術委員會 (Higher Learning Commission) 及神學院協會(Association of Theological Schools) 認證。學院的辦學宗旨是 “For The Church”,為普世的教會培育神國的精兵。

本學院現在開展中文網絡神學碩士學位教學 Master of Theological Study。全中文,全網絡授課。師資出色,教導扎實純正,教學資源豐富,45學分學時,提供獎學金機會,畢業後頒發美國高等學術委員會及神學院協會認證的證書。


1. 展現不斷增長的聖經及神學知識。
2. 通過運用正確的釋經原則,更準確的解釋和應用聖經經文。
3. 根據聖經并參考歷史的發展,系統的表達成熟的神學觀點。
4. 主動開始并保持一個純正的屬靈紀律生活。
5. 透過在傳福音,宣教工場以及在當地教會中的委身,開展大使命的工作。



課程設置:舊約概覽I, II;新約概覽 I, II; 釋經學導論;基督教歷史I, II;基督教神學 I, II;護教學導論;基督徒倫理;傳福音與門訓;宣教學;教會管理;領導學實習。每門課3學分,總共45學分。



Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary & College serves the church by biblically educating God‐called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. The core values of Midwestern Seminary consist of the ideologies of Veritas (Truth) – “Knowing,” Pietas (Devotion) – “Being,” and Missio (Evangelism) – “Doing.” These values are based on a thoughtful process of first knowing God’s truth; then being and becoming a thoughtful, committed disciple; and finally, taking the great truths and putting them into practice for the sake of the Kingdom.
Upon the founding of the seminary in 1957, Midwestern Seminary’s trustees declared that the seminary would adopt, as its own, the Baptist Faith and Message, which had been adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1925. The SBC ratified a revised Baptist Faith and Message statement in 1963, and most recently the Baptist Faith and Message was amended in 2000. Midwestern affirmed that statement, and it continues to constitute the seminary’s own statement of faith.


The Master of Theological Studies degree program provides a basic understanding of theological disciplines for further graduate study or for general educational purposes. The specific nomenclature for this degree program, which is governed by the same standards, has been chosen according to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s specific purpose in offering the program and it reflects the needs and interests of the students enrolled, students who are seeking a degree with a theological core.


Students graduating with the Master of Theological Studies degree will be able to do the following:

1. Demonstrate increased biblical and theological knowledge
2. Interpret and apply Scripture more effectively using appropriate hermeneutical principles
3. Formulate maturing theological convictions based on Scripture, with due notice of their prior historical development
4. Initiate and maintain a practice of classical spiritual disciplines
5. Develop a Great Commission perspective that finds expression in evangelism, missions, and commitment to local church ministry.


Old Testament Survey I, II; New Testament Survey I, II; Introduction to Hermeneutics; Church Administration; History of Christianity I, II; Theology I, II; Introduction to Apologetics; Christian Ethics; Evangelism & Discipleship; Leadership Practicum; Missiology

For more information or to apply:

Download Program Brochure

Updated on December 7, 2024
Chinese Baptists