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聯手禱告 Prayer Link 10-06-2017

Pray for the Local Planning Committee for the 20th Biennial Conference drawn from Pastors in the Greater Los Angeles area. The Conference will be held on board the Carnival Inspiration sailing to Ensenada, Mexico, September 24-28 2018. Praise God that Dr. Daniel Block who has accepted the invitation to be our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Block is Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Chicago whose delight is to see students passionate about the Old Testament and to preach and teach from it. The suggested theme of the Conference is “Excel to Serve”. The goal of the 20th Biennial Conference is to help participants gain some practical handles that they can take home to assist them in their church ministries.
為由大洛杉磯地區牧師們所組成的第二十屆年會籌備委員會禱告。 會議將於2018年9月24日至28日在航往墨西哥的恩塞納達的嘉年華啟發號郵輪上舉行。 感謝神,我們邀請到Daniel Block博士為今次大會主題的講員。Daniel Block博士是芝加哥惠頓學院 (Wheaton College, Chicago)的舊約教授。 他最大的喜樂就是看到他的學生熱愛學習舊約,而從中教導及指引他人。明年暫定的大會主題是:「更卓越的服事」。 第二十屆年會的目的是幫助參與者能得著一些實際的方法,帶回他們的教會,來幫助他們的服事。

Pray for the Church Planters’ Retreat to be held in Jackson, Mississippi October 12 and 13. Pray for the church planters who are attending that it would be a great time for reconnecting and encouragement while strengthening their skill sets for ministry.

Pray for the family of Pastor Peter Liu and his wife Lorrisa. Their 9 year- old daughter, Joanna, underwent successful brain tumor surgery recently and is now currently staying at a facility at a Memphis hospital to receive chemotherapy. Praise God that a Baptist couple in Memphis who is willing to be there for the family. Pray for Mrs. Lorrisa Liu who is accompanying her daughter there and the emotional support she needs. Pray also for the ministry of Pastor Peter. He is the Pastor of the Chinese Christian Church of Greater Jackson in Ridgeland, Mississippi, some 200 miles away from Memphis, TN. He is also a Vice President of the CBF.
請為劉奇峰牧師師母祈禱。他們的九歲女兒 Joanna 經 成功之腦瘤手術後,現仍需移送田納西州文化市(Memphis)醫院,接受化療。感謝主,得到當地的一對浸會夫婦願意關懷協助劉師母,以便她能就近照顧女兒。 請為劉師母祈禱,求主加力支持鼓勵她女兒 Joanna ,旱日康復。為劉牧師祈禱,他是密西西比州,杰克遜華人基督教會牧師,杰克遜距離文化市約有二百哩 。 他也是美加華浸聯會的副會長。

Pray for those affected by Hurricane Irma: Our contacts in the area reported no serious effects to Chinese Baptist churches from Irma. Praise God! Recovery and rebuilding are continuing. Continue to pray for the communities that are affected and for church members who suffer personal losses.
請為受颱風伊爾瑪影響的人祈禱。我們在該地區的聯絡人告訴我們,颱風伊爾瑪對華人浸信教會沒有造成嚴重影響。 讚美神!恢復和重建工作在繼續進行中,但請為受影響的社區及有所損失個別教友禱告。

Pray for the recovery efforts that are continuing mainly in the Houston area as they are seriously affected by the effects of Hurricane Harvey. Praise God that most Chinese Baptist churches are not seriously affected but some church members living in the path of the floods were impacted and most have yet to return to their homes. (Click here to see Pastor Amos’ reflection of his recent trip to Houston.)
CBF will be raising funds to send gifts to those church families affected by the flooding in Houston in time for Christmas. Pray how the Lord impresses you and your church to give. Letters of appeal will be sent out to pastors and churches in the next weeks. You may give a “cup of warm tea” by sending in your donations to your respective country office addresses.
請為雨洪為患,復原艱巨的居民祈禱,主要是侯斯頓市一帶,經「哈維」颶風豪雨後,受災嚴重。感謝主,華人浸信教會多數避過了這場風災,可是居住在低窪淹水帶的教友弟兄姊妹卻受災嚴重。大部份受災的弟兄姊妹仍未能返回自己的家園。 (請在此點擊 “同軛手記” 參閱李牧師在探視災情期間的深切思考和反省 。)
美加華浸聯㑹將籌集資金向受淹水影響的休斯頓華浸教會的家庭在聖誕節期間發送禮物表達對他們的関懷及愛䕶。 籍着禱告求神感動你和你的教會在此事上有奉献的負擔。 在接下來的幾個星期內,奉獻信件將會寄出给牧師和教會。 若果你可以奉獻一杯“溫暖的茶”捐款, 你可以將捐款送到您所在國家的辦公室地址。

CBF USA and Canada
US Office: 141 E Duarte Road, Arcadia, CA, 91006, USA
Canadian Office: 10 Waterbridge Lane, Markham, Ontario, L3R 8W9 Canada

Please click here to see Pastor Amos’ musings and reflections in “A Yokefellow’s Chronicle – Amazingly Loved!” on his recent visit to his former church.
請在此點擊 “同軛手記 – 承蒙厚愛、滿懷驚訝” 參閱李牧師返回自己所屬教㑹時深切感受和反思 。

Updated on December 5, 2024
Chinese Baptists