Dear Messengers from Chinese Southern Baptist Churches in California Attending the CSBC Annual Meeting: The...
The following is the Southern Baptist response to the earthquake in Morocco. SEND RELIEF is...
Dear Fellow Participant of the Leadership Summit , 敬愛的北美華浸教會增長大會參加者平安: Once again, thank you for registering for...
Dear pastors, church leaders and brothers and sisters in the Lord, 親愛的牧師、教會領袖、主內弟兄姊妹們平安: Several months ago,...
Dear Pastors and Leaders of the Chinese Baptist Family: We are all shocked and saddened...
Joint Statement of the Southern California Chinese Baptist Association and the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of...
May 1, 2022, was a very special day for the Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley,...
4月14日《好牧师,我怎么做才能上天堂?》陈曦传道 经文:马可福音10:17-27 https://youtu.be/LZx_aaWH6_c 4月16日《蒙福的确据》戴礼约牧师 经文:箴言3:1-10 https://youtu.be/DbFr9stBwXo 4月21日《你追求什么?依靠什么?》冼志俭牧师 经文:马太福音6:19-34 https://youtu.be/X8vD04fEns0 4月28日《再思福音真意》詹马可弟兄 经文:马可福音1:14-15 https://youtu.be/aWoKyK2s2hI 4月30日《孤独的人生,永远的伴侣》高晚婴牧师 经文:传道书4:1-12 https://youtu.be/-9CSYUQQr2U...