华人圣经爱心教会诚心寻聘一位中文主任牧师,带领教会长老 、执事和同工一起传扬福音,造就信徒,服务周边社区,实现教会的异象。
CHURCH NAME: Chinese American Family Bible Church CHURCH ADDRESS: 5545 Susquehanna Drive, Virginia Beach,...
850 WEST BROAD STREET ROAD, MANAKIN-SABOT, VA,23103 职位公告:全职中文堂牧师列治文华恩浸信会是一个以圣经为基础的福音派浸信会教会,中英文堂共有220名会众,其中约160名定期参加中文普通话崇拜,英文堂则是多种族、几代同堂并处于成长期。教会于2024年完成了二期建堂工程,中英文堂同时敬拜。我们正在寻找有呼召并具有适当神学培训的全职牧师来牧养中文堂会众,使之成为基督的门徒。 职责● 规划和推动中文堂总体事工,参与日常管理● 带领中文讲道、祷告会、门徒训练、传福音● 指导和参与团契、主日学、培训、辅导、探访、关怀等服事● 与英文堂合作和协调服事内容,包括但不限于儿童和青少年服事 属灵品格● 一个虔诚的敬畏神的基督追随者,言行一致●...
Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County 資格: 如果您感受到神的呼召來申請這個職位請電郵中、英文 履歷及見證各一份 到聘牧委員會 mPastorsearch@cbccoc.org詳情參閱 https://cbccoc.org/job-opportunities/
Tucson Chinese Baptist Church (TCBC), in Arizona, is actively seeking a full-time Senior Pastor.Affiliated with...
Work: The team would be going out with our Chinese GMPs, and a select number...
奧城華人浸信會正在尋聘全職主任牧師。根據本教會內部尋牧意見調查結果和教會成長;歷史等各種因素,歸納對未來牧者的期望如下: 聯繫人: 奧城華人浸信會尋牧委員會主席: 黎造時弟兄 Mr. Larry Li 14901 Salem Creek Road, Edmond, Oklahoma 73013 Cell...
夏威夷華人浸信會是一間美南浸信會 現誠聘全時間或部分時間粵語牧師/傳道人,協助牧養不同年齡事工。 應徵者須能用流利粵語講道,英語溝通,如操流利國語更佳,有三年牧養北美華人教會經驗,具有福音派信仰, 並具備ATS 認可福音派神學院道學碩士學位。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 有意者請將中英文履歷及 蒙召見證郵寄或電郵至:Pastoral Search CommitteeHawaii Chinese Baptist Church477 N. King...
應徵條件: 應徵人應檢附之材料: 聯絡:榮耀華人浸信會聘牧委員會Glory Chinese Baptist Church (Fort Worth, Texas)Email: glorycbc@gmail.comhttp://glorycbc.org6135 Holiday Lane, North Rickland Hills,...
洛杉磯國語浸信會國語堂聘請牧師/傳道 位於南加州阿罕布拉市的洛杉磯國語浸信會(MBCLA)徵求一位國語堂牧師/傳道,協助牧養我們的多世代國語堂會眾。 請查看以下職位詳述。如果您對此職位有興趣,請付上一封申請信、內容包括為何申請此職位並您如何符合需要的資格。請將履歷、得救見證和呼召見證一併發送至 info@mbcla.org,收件人:潘武煦執事 Deacon Henry Pan。 瞭解 MBCLA 洛杉磯國語浸信會成立於 1963 年,是一個多世代、多語言的教會,服事國語、英語和粵語的兒童、青少年、和成年人。 洛杉磯國語浸信會職位詳述:國語堂牧師/傳道 主要職責: 與其他國語堂牧師、傳道和平信徒領袖共同合作,並在主任牧師指導下,致力於實現洛杉磯國語浸信會及國語堂的使命。...
Announcing a Chinese Ministry Leadership Opening Trinity Baptist Church (SBC) in Norman, Oklahoma seeks God’s...
职位 Position: 全职中文牧師 Chinese Minister or Pastor 要求1:认同美南浸信会信仰与信息 2000 (https://bfm.sbc.net/chinese/) 要求2:福音派神学院道学/神学硕士或同等神学训练 要求3: 呼召明确, 全心委身, 有讲道, 教导和劝勉的恩赐, 对传福音,...
568 Ryders Ln, East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816 誠聘中文及英語牧師或傳道 擁有神學院碩士學位 中文牧師能用國粤語講道及英文溝通 有三年北美牧會經驗 具美國永久居留或公民身份 We are...
5005 Waterloo Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043 www.ccbcmaryland.org Full-Time/Part-time Youth Minister Job Description A. Principal...
Search for Senior Pastor Lordship—the submission to Christ—is the core value of ACBC. Disciple-making should...
Trinity Chinese Church (TCC) is seeking a Youth Pastor. Full time is preferred, part-time would...
路城華人基督教會誠聘全職牧師: § 擁有神學碩士或更高學位, 認同本會信仰 § 流利國語講道,英語溝通 § 公民或具有美國永久居留身份者優先 § 具有兩年以上北美華人教會牧會經驗 (已被按立牧師更佳) Louisville Chinese Christian Church is looking for a full-time pastor:...
誠聘全職中文事工牧師牧養由粵語和普通話會眾組成的中文事工 招募職位: 中文事工牧師 語言: 國語, 粵語, 英語 教會地址: 592 Old Post Rd, Edison, NJ 08817...
CHAPLAIN’S OFFICE Assistant Officer and Assistant to Chaplain (PR0565/22-23) The appointee is expected to provide...
English/Youth Pastor Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church (AACCC) is prayerfully seeking a full-time English/youth pastor...
Lead Pastor for the Cantonese Congregation Principal Function To work with other MBCLA pastors, ministers...
Emmanuel Chinses Baptist Church 10101 England Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212 English Assistant Pastor Emmanuel...
Chinese Baptist Church is searching for a Senior Pastor who is called and spiritually gifted...
Ekklesia Beyond, Houston, TX Ekklesiabeyond.org 职位:实习神学生/实习传道/植堂牧师 • 福音派神学院在读/ 毕业 • 认同浸信会神学立场 • 呼召明确 • 愿意开拓建立教会 • 愿意与团队紧密合作...
North Atlanta Chinese Baptist Church 求全职牧师 Pastor Search 持守美南浸信会信仰 福⾳派神学院道学或神学毕业,硕⼠优先 呼召明确,有美好⽣命⻅证 有讲道、教导和劝勉的恩赐,已婚优先 三年以上北美牧会经验优先 国语/普通话讲道, 良好的英语沟通能⼒...
Living Faith Baptist Church in Honolulu, Hawaii, is seeking a Pastor who is called of...
Chinese Independent Baptist Church 280 8th St, Oakland, CA 94607 美國加州浸信會誠聘粵語堂牧師 請電郵 (1) 履歷 (2)...
Valley Chinese Baptist Church 1434 Bullard Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611 誠尋全職會牧: 1)認同浸信會神學立場及體制並具浸信會牧會背景。 2)具認可神學院碩士學位或以上學歴。 3)具有三年以上北美教會牧會經驗。 4)有美國公民或綠卡身份,已婚。...
NWCBC 13130 Perry Road, Houston, Texas 77070 職位: 全職牧師 品格要求:1. 生命反映出聖靈在基督福音裏塑造的品格特徵。2. 勵志成為忠心、良善、有見識的屬靈領袖。 職責需求:1. 具有良好道學碩士裝備及牧養的恩賜,願意加入有形教會美南浸信會(SBC)。2. 在北美有3年以上全職的學習、工作與事奉的經歷...
Responsibilities Manages the ChineseBaptists.org website running on the WordPress platform. Manages the knowledge base running...
Responsibilities Manages the Learning Management System ChineseBaptists.org/moodle running on the Moodle platform. Manages the Social...
Responsibilities Manages the CBF page on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Manages the CBF...
Responsibilities Manages video content, including Zoom meeting recordings. Edits video content using video editing tools...
Responsibilities Manages photos Takes pictures Photo editing Acquires illustration graphics assets for articles Logo and...
Responsibilities Develops and maintains website, presentations, and print media design stylesheets. Manages styling of website...
Responsibilities Edits Chinese-language content to conform to grammatical and stylistic standards. Touches up on manual...
Responsibilities Edits English-language content to conform to grammatical and stylistic standards. Touches up on manual...
Responsibilities Edits English-language content to conform to grammatical and stylistic standards. Touches up on manual...
Responsibilities Edits Chinese-language content to conform to grammatical and stylistic standards. Touches up on manual...
Responsibilities Develops and maintains website, presentations, and print media design stylesheets. Manages styling of website...
Responsibilities Manages photos Takes pictures Photo editing Acquires illustration graphics assets for articles Logo and...
Responsibilities Manages video content, including Zoom meeting recordings. Edits video content using video editing tools...
Responsibilities Manages the CBF page on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Manages the CBF...
Responsibilities Manages the Learning Management System ChineseBaptists.org/moodle running on the Moodle platform. Manages the Social...
Responsibilities Manages the ChineseBaptists.org website running on the WordPress platform. Manages the knowledge base running...
Overview Here are the descriptions of the volunteers we seek to recruit to support the...
誠聘中文副牧师:‧ 福音派信仰及道學碩士学位‧ 需為已按立牧師‧ 具英語及粵語溝通能力聯系人:華浸中文聘牧委員會請將履歷電郵至 chinesepulpitsearch@seattlecbc.org或致電 (206) 909-7300詳情請瀏覽網頁: https://cn.seattlecbc.org/jobopening/
Chinese Baptist Church of Honolulu Revised advertisement 041323 誠聘全職中文牧師 充分認同與實踐美南浸信會信仰與信息2000. 福音派並具備神學學位或認可神學院同等學歷. 擁有合法永久居民身份. 對傳福音,牧養, 教導,裁培,關懷有負擔. 拓展兒童,青少年,成年,及長者事工....
Atlanta Baptist Chinese Church 3790 Satellite Boulevard, Suite 200 Duluth, GA 30096 誠聘主任牧師: 北美兩年以上全職事奉或多年帶領門徒訓練經驗. 正規福音派神學院畢業....
以马内利华人浸信会 Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church in Overland Park, Kansas Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church in Overland...
Montgomery Chinese Baptist Church 12221 Veirs Mill Road, Silver Spring, MD, 20906www.mcbc-md.org 粵語主任牧師Cantonese Senior Pastor...
302 W. Commonwealth Ave., Alhambra, CA 91801www.mpcbc.net TITLE/POSITION: English Pastor/MinisterREPORTS TO: Senior PastorRELATES CLOSELY WITH:...
302 W. Commonwealth Ave., Alhambra, CA 91801www.mpcbc.net TITLE/POSITION: Family and Children DirectorREPORTS TO: Senior PastorHOURS:...
Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs is seeking candidates who are interested in pastoring an...
Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church 溫哥華華人浸信會(Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church)誠聘專責粵語堂佈道事工(Evangelism Ministry)之全職同工一位。本會的異象是要成為一群活出神旨意的信仰群體,在彼此相愛與合一中委身於塑造耶穌基督真正的門徒。應徵者須持有公認的神學院學位(或相等資格)或實習中的神學生;曾在多員工的教會有事奉經驗;善於以粵語作教導及講道,並在有需要時,能以英語事奉;如懂得國語及具有北美事奉經驗更佳。請將應徵信、履歷、及相關資料電郵至:ccpastorsearch@vcbc.bc.ca
Community Baptist Church of San Jose Position: 國語堂傳道/牧師 Qualification:1. 具道學碩士學位2. 認同美南浸會信仰宣言及浸會背景尤隹3. 牧養北美國語堂教會三年以上經驗4. 善於拓展職青及家庭事工5. 流利國語講道及美語溝通 Please...
San Bruno Chinese Church 誠聘全職主任牧師 (接任退休主任牧師) 具傳福音宣教心志, 對鄰近社區福音工作有負担 監督全教會運作, 並著重中文堂發展 具領導能力帶領教牧團隊。與副牧師緊密合作, 督導辦公室助理, 並向執事會彙報 熱衷於發展培訓年輕一代領導團隊 從認可的福音派神學院畢業...
Youth Pastor Search Mission Statement:The mission of the Youth & Children ministry is to fill...
Laguna Chinese Baptist Church 二埠華人浸信會位于美國北加州糜鹿林市 (Elk Grove, California)、現正尋求一個國語部牧師。以福音及聖經信息為本、牧養國語會衆使其成長。申請人須符合聖經長老資格、有教導和講道恩賜,並清楚神的呼召來事奉。合適人選是已經在福音派神學院、完成道學碩士或同等的神學教育。 有意者請將簡歴電郵至:lcbc.searchcommittee@gmail.com
Riverside Mandarin Baptist Church 誠聘中文牧師:· 有神的呼招,對傳福音、牧養、教導、栽培、關懷有負擔,熟悉華人及北美文化· 國語講道並能以英語溝通· 具福音派道學碩士,已婚,牧會二年以上經驗。詳情請查詢河濱國語浸信會網頁:rmbctyler.org/job-posting-chinese-pastor
Brentwood Baptist Church is seeking a full-time Chinese minister. For details about the position, click here.
诚聘全职传道人,或即将毕业之神学生 資格:神学院毕业或同等神学学历事奉範圍:国语讲道,英语沟通;牧养教会,外展事工等。联系人:PastorPaul Zhou(周保罗传道).微信:PaulZhou1224请将中英文得救见证和侍奉经历电邮:55pzhou@gmail.com教会地址:23425Davis Mill Road,Germantown, MD 20876网站:http://ccbcus.org
Charlotte Chinese Baptist Church (CCBC) is looking to fill a full-time pastor position for our...